Do you know which time of the year it is? Why it’s the time for love, of course. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and while we’re all for dressing up and talking clothes, makeup, looks, and all things fashion, we decided to talk about something completely unexpected in ladies dresses for women.
We’re looking at the history of Valentine’s Day for a quick minute. But don’t worry, it ties back to clothes and styles ;)
Saint Valentine's was around a really really long time ago. Around the 3rd century to be precise. He is known to be the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers (talk about dabbling in more things than one).
Long story short there are two legends that surround the celebration of this day which is synonymous with global culture.
The first legend says that while Saint Valentine was in prison he formed a close connection (ahem ahem) with the jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness. He signed the letter as “From your Valentine”.
The other legend suggests that he was a bit of a rebel -- he would defy the order of the emperor and marry couples secretly to spare the husbands from war.
Charming isn’t it? We think so
That’s why we’re launching our Valentine’s Day collection “Charmed”. As an ode to the OG for spreading the love so far and wide, it stood the test of time.
To pay tribute to the patron of love and the era in which he belonged we’ve launched our Charmed collection which is all sorts of flirty, fun, and playful with a whole lot of love.
You’re going to find floral prints that remain as evergreen as the day of Valentine’s. While other trends have come and gone, florals - oh floral dresses for women, always manage to find a way back into our hearts and wardrobe.
To pay homage to the Gothic era to which the patron belonged, you're going to find black dresses that are equally parts flirty and equal parts fun. Perfect for the night you have planned.
Of course, we’ve got luscious reds and delicious pinks. With ruffles and floral prints, knee length short dresses, and long. Wear your love the way you feel it. We’ve got the options.
We’ve got the right amount of drama and the right amount of subtlety in this party wear dresses collection which is quite like love.

So get charmed while we make you the star of our show.